Why are girls having better academic results than boys?

Recent studies have revealed new data that claim that girls outperform boys in school outcomes, including in subjects, such as math and science, for which boys were thought to be better prepared.

Another interesting point of these results is that they are not at the local level but that it is so in any part of the globe, is it perhaps that the current educational system favors them? What is changing? Why are girls having better academic results than boys?

The study has been conducted by teachers in psychology Daniel and Susan Voyer of the University of New Brunswick in which he has collected data from more than 369 studies covering more than one million children in 30 countries. The results are overwhelming, the girls are winning by win in all areas and grades regardless of the country in which we are. Why?

Concentration and awareness

Two disciplines that anyone who has children can prove that they are not the strong ones of the male sex and yet they are and will be the main responsible for the future success of our children as society is being formed today.

Already from the nursery school these two disciplines form the basis of self-control and are the most sought after by teachers and parents, knowing how to wait for their turn, to raise their hands when they want something, to finish the work that is He sends them and be attentive to what the teacher says, all these actions are what will make our son stand out or not over others and his predisposition for these disciplines will mark the rest of his days.

Studies on preschoolers show that children have one year late in regard to the skills of self-control and discipline regarding girls and this will continue to be so for the following years.

In 2006 a study conducted by Martin Seligman Y Angela Lee Duckworth He discovered that girls in more advanced stages of schooling continued to have better results in self-discipline than boys. It was found that girls were more likely to read the instructions before using something, pay attention in class and not walk in the clouds, choose some type of housework rather than watch TV and were much more persistent in frustration.

What doctors Seligman Y Duckworth They call "self-discipline" other scientists call it "conscience" or the ability to plan for the future, set goals, and persist and deal with frustrations and setbacks. Consciousness is considered by social scientists a trait of innate personality that is not distributed evenly throughout all human beings. In fact a large number of cross-cultural studies show that Women tend to be more aware than men.

It could be said that this less developed "awareness" in children leaves them at a disadvantage in the school environment, especially where a good organizational capacity is needed and the knowledge acquired must be demonstrated. It seems that the school of our day strengthens the best developed skills of girls while disadvantaging those of boys. Gone are the days of taking it out all the last day, today sends the work and the daily effort.

The way a boy faces a school assignment is very different from the way a girl does. For the former, everything consists of a challenge, a struggle, a demonstration before the society of who is the best. That is the way a child faces a final exam, willing to show others that he is the best. By contrast, Kenney-Benson and some academic colleagues say that an experience as stressful as a final exam can artificially reduce the performance of many girls, giving a false reading of their true abilities. These researchers reach the following general conclusion: "An exam situation may underestimate female skills, but classrooms may underestimate male skills."

One of the solutions that arises to this problem is that the evaluation systems of the schools are reviewed and divided into two different evaluations, on the one hand the knowledge will be evaluated through exams and tests that can be carried out at any point of the semester or year school, thus promoting continuous study and on the other hand will assess the most responsible skills, what we could call "social skills."


It seems that we are facing a new perspective of the future in which the weight of women in the direction of society is becoming more and more evident. On the other hand it seems that we are going towards an increasingly specialized society in which there will be positions for women and others that will be preferably occupied by men. Perhaps we should rethink the current system, or more than rethinking it would be to see how we can strengthen the strengths of our children and strengthen the weak.

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