Apple and Facebook will pay for the freezing of ovules of their workers to be mothers when they want

Being a woman and having a job seems to be a problem for many companies and often, because of the type of work and company policies, it is also a problem for those women who want to be mothers but, at the same time, want to progress professionally. The competition can be fierce and when a woman stops working because she is a mother, she can see how other women or other men reach the positions she was going to fight for.

Manzana Y Facebook They have decided to give a solution to their workers, so that they do not have to be absent because they are mothers, and they have decided pay for the freezing of your eggs. That way they can decide when to be mothers without hindering the performance of their work or their chances of prospering professionally.

But who decides, women or companies?

They explain it on the NBC and because of the tone with which the journalist tells it it seems like good news: Facebook already pays for the freezing of its workers' ovules and Apple will start doing so in January, they say, and this is seen as a benefit, as an act that both companies do for the good of women.

This measure falls within a set of rights and benefits that both companies have for their workers, and they struggle to ensure that everyone in the company is happy. For example, When a Facebook worker has a child, the company gives him a baby check valued at $ 4,000 to spend it as they see fit.

Come on, I have no doubt that both Apple and Facebook have decided to help women to be on equal terms with men, so they can develop their careers without interrupting them for being mothers, with the best of intentions. However, it seems that it is not women who decide in this way when to be mothers, but their leaders, for choosing this measure and not another.

How much expense is the measure

An egg freezing treatment costs $ 10,000 to which you then have to add $ 500 for each year that the eggs remain frozen. It is actually quite a high expense, so companies have decided to set a limit: they will cover up to $ 20,000 of the treatment of each employee.

A priori it seems enough, however the $ 10,000 cover a round of ovule treatment and extraction and experts usually recommend that two rounds be carried out, to have 20 eggs saved, just in case the flies. Then, when the woman wants to get pregnant, she will have to undergo in vitro fertilization treatment.

That women are happy and want to work here

With this measure, as I say, they pretend that the women of the company are happy and that being two companies with eminently male workers, Talented women have one more reason to choose to work with them.

Now, to what extent is it a correct measure and to applaud offering fertility treatment to women who have no problems having children? That is, as a company, you are promoting that women spend their fertile age working for you and then, when their bodies say that they are no longer able to conceive for themselves, they have children thanks to their frozen eggs.

I don't know, I agree to promote equal rights between men and women, of course, but I also agree to respect and understand the difference. Wouldn't it be better to make company policies in which women could become pregnant and have children without losing their professional status? Wouldn't it be more appropriate to create measures by which a woman could continue to work as a part-time mother, from home, if she wishes? Wouldn't it be more egalitarian not to make any decision regarding promotions until the woman returned to work?

Because let's get in a situation, two women and two men compete for a promotion and one of them gets pregnant before the resolution. Wouldn't it be fair to wait for his return to work to make the decision, instead of ascending to one of the two men or the other woman? Wouldn't it be more logical to do it that way instead of telling women, don't worry, I freeze your eggs and you will be a mother later?

Maybe it's me that I'm getting outdated, tell me if that is the case, but this one of getting women with shoes into a working world created by and for men seems to me quite reprehensible. Come on, which is nothing more than a sample of that in favor of a wrong labor evolution respect for the difference between men and women is being lost. It is not women who must adapt to the system, it is the system that should change to adapt to women.

And eye, that with solutions like this I see it, some women will advance to the companies and when they arrive at a job interview and see that they are of childbearing age they will say "Calm down, I will not be a mother yet. I have frozen my eggs" . To which you may receive a "Great. Hired. You will have the children when we have fired you."

Video: Putting motherhood on ice: the ethics of freezing one's eggs (May 2024).