Is there a guardian angel ?: Save a baby's life by repositioning his head after a car accident

Perhaps because I am a nurse and because I have seen many accidents, more than I would have liked, I enjoy reading news in which medical professionals manage to perform small miracles, unthinkable things, save lives, as if they were guardian angels, or as if they helped them do their job.

We do not know if the guardian angel of this child acted after the traffic accident or during, but doctors say it is very strange that he survived and, for now, without major consequences: at the time of the accident, his head went out of the spine (such as when you get your shoulder or elbow, which is luxa) and in a life or death operation, they managed to reposition his head and save his life.

It happened in Australia, where a woman was traveling by car with her son, the protagonist of the story, named Jaxon, and another 9-year-old girl. Destiny wanted to be crossed by an 18-year-old boy with two friends who they were engaged in spinning and dangerous maneuvers, colliding in such a way that the baby took the worst part.

Jaxon, 16 months old, was immediately transferred to the Brisbane hospital in Queensland, where in an operation of more than 6 hours they managed to reposition his head and save his life.

If you look at the images, it seems impossible that the child is alive and well. Between the vertebrae passes the spinal cord and the head went so far forward that the logical thing would have been that will be severed or severely damaged, leaving the tetraplegic baby and unable to breathe on his own.

The doctors had to make use of a rib of the child to rebuild a damaged vertebra and after the intervention some irons fixed to his head and a kind of plaster harness will allow head and column remain aligned while recovering.

Now parents have started a campaign to collect signatures on to tighten the traffic laws in Australia, in case they get less people to go to risk absurdly with their car and, more importantly, to endanger others.

Via and Photos | The confidential
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