Dads and moms blogs: make a Star Wars birthday, cravings for pregnant women and more

Today, as every Tuesday, we review the most interesting thing that has been read in some of the moms and dads blogs We can find on the net.

We start with Fathers geeks, who celebrated a magnificent Star Wars birthday with many trainee children of Jedi, galactic atmosphere and three imperial soldiers that left everyone speechless.

In Parents in diapersLydia has explained to us how to talk to the baby, mentioning the typical words that many parents use ("tete", "wow-wow", "chicha", etc.) and arguing why it would be more worth talking about normal.

In I'm here, mom, Alba tells us about the importance of routines in children. Routine, a word that seems to produce hives because of what seems to force the child to do things he does not want, but that makes a lot of sense when you have several children and pretend not to end up in an asylum.

In Colorful fish We have been able to read about the NO, and not only of what the parents dedicate to the children, but also of what the children, in this case if daughter, dedicate to the parents, as a sign of their desires and their personality.

In Me and my miniyos This mom tells us about cravings. Well, of yours; a little different from those of other pregnant women, most likely, but cravings after all.

In Kick We have been able to read a few good tips to make colecho in winter, especially if the fact of not covering you makes you cold: as the baby is lower in the bed and can not be covered with bedspreads or comforters, the mother is very uncovered

To finish, in Mommy TreatedThey tell us that whoever has a cousin has a treasure, explaining the relationship that his son Eric has with his cousins.

As we always tell you, if you have a blog where you talk about your motherhood or fatherhood and you want us to take a look, leave a comment in this post and we will look for future weekly reviews.