Buy a Happy Meal and open it six years later to show the world what's happening to McDonald's food

I don't think there are many people in the world that consider the fast food It is healthy, and less when on more than one occasion we have explained things related to this type of food. To tell you some: it has been seen that the more fast food is consumed, the greater the risk of gestational diabetes, that this meal is capable of nullifying the protective effect of breast milk on asthma and how many times a child eats fast food a Over a week, your learning ability is worse.

Studies say a lot about the fast food, but sometimes a picture is worth a thousand words and that's why Jennifer Lovdahl and his partner, chiropractors from Alaska, they bought a Happy Meal to open it six years later and show the world the result of their experiment.

Six years with a Happy Meal at work

In January 2010 they bought the box and left it at work. They did nothing with it but wait and wait for the food to decompose over time, which just happened. Six years later, in February of this year, they decided to open it to show their customers how harmful fast food can be.

The result was that the nuggets and the potatoes looked even more decent. Yes, it is true that they would seem a bit dry, not freshly made, but surely in the eyes of any child they would be considered totally appetizing.

And this that has not broken down, is it good or bad?

It is bad, because if a meal does not rot it is a sign that it is modified to the point of being more an edible than a food. If the Nuggets they are meat and potatoes are what they claim to be, just a few days after they bought it they should have put themselves in unfortunate conditions and given off such a smell that they would have had to throw away the box and end the experiment. Jennifer explained it like this on her Facebook:

It's been 6 years since I bought this "Happy meal" at Mcdonald's. He has been in our office all this time and he has not rotted, molded, or broken at all !!! It smells like cardboard only. We did this experiment to show our patients how unhealthy this type of "food" is. Especially for our children of growing age! There are so many chemicals in this meal! Choose real food! Apples, bananas, carrots, celery ... This is the real fast food.