These are the bugs that can bite your children this summer: how to avoid it and treat bites

Camping outdoors, hiking in the mountains, picnicing in the countryside or taking a dip in the sea are own summer activities with which, in addition, children enjoy greatly.

But these activities can carry a risk when we run into certain insects, arachnids or other animals whose bites can especially affect the little ones. We tell you what are the main bites of this time of year, how to prevent and treat them.

Mosquitoes and horseflies. The most common bites

The mosquito bites are the most common in summer. They bite in the late afternoon or at night, and although the bites do not usually involve any complications, in children with especially sensitive skins they can cause itching and stinging.

We will wash the bite with soap and water and ensure that the children do not scratch, to prevent the reaction from sharpening. In case of inflammation we can place a little ice wrapped in a handkerchief but if the bites are very annoying and persistent, it is best to ask the pediatrician or the pharmacist about the convenience of using sprays, bracelets or other repellent devices suitable for children.

Special mention deserves the horsefly bite, a type of large fly that does not bite but bites, causing red bumps, burning and a lot of pain. In extreme cases it can cause more serious reactions that should be treated by the pediatrician as they may require antihistamines or even antibiotics.

Bees, wasps and bumblebees. The most allergic bites

The stings of wasps and bees, in principle do not usually cover any complications, although it will depend on the child's age (the smaller, the more vulnerable they are to suffer adverse reactions) and the affected body area.

Wasp and bee stings are especially serious if they are located in the area of ​​the mouth, tongue or throat, so it is advisable to immediately consult a doctor if this occurs.

Similarly, if very intense local reactions are observed, we should also consult it as it could be a premonitory sign of future allergy (the allergic reaction will never occur after a first exposure).

Not surprisingly, the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology has recently indicated that severe allergic conditions due to reaction to wasp and bee venom have increased by 20% in the last ten years.

It is difficult to avoid the bite of these insects when we are outdoors, but it is known that dressing with bright colors, using cologne or scented creams and food (especially sweets), especially attracts them. Nor will they hesitate to sting if they feel attacked or invaded for what is convenient do not make sudden movements If we find one and get away from the nests.

The National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences recommends Do not treat the bites of these insects with home remedies Like mud or saliva. In case of a bee sting, try to extract the stinger with the edge of a card and without pressing, disinfect with soap and water and, if necessary, consult with a pediatrician or pharmacist for the application of an antihistamine ointment It relieves itching.

Processionary caterpillar. The most irritating sting

There are several types of caterpillars, but the most common is the caterpillar of the pine or processionary. Though by now it is difficult to see them (They occur, especially between April and June) It should not be forgotten that their sting is very painful and irritating and children are especially sensitive to it.

The lesions caused by their bite range from rashes to irritation of the mucous membranes, but it is not necessary to touch it for a reaction to occur, since with the simple contact of the stinging hairs transported by the air, irritation can appear.

Children should be taught not to touch them and move away from them, but if a contact reaction occurs, it is recommended to wash the area with water, apply local cold for inflammation and consult with the pediatrician, since it is a stinging sting that can require supervision and medical treatment.

Spiders Less frequent bites

Despite the bad reputation they have and the fear they wake up among children and adults, spiders do not usually bite but if they do, it is important to consult with a pediatrician because depending on the type of spider, may require special and urgent treatment.

The spider bite is characterized by two blood spots separated from each other and surrounded by a halo.

According to the National Institute of Toxicology and Forensic Sciences, the most dangerous spider bites in our country are:

  • Black widow: In the houses it is hidden in garages, cellars or bathrooms and in the countryside it makes its nests low the stones or trunks of trees. It has a preference for wet and dark areas and in our country it is mostly in the Mediterranean region and Andalusia.

Its venom is more potent in autumn and its bite produces acute pain and numbness of the limb. It is necessary to wash the bite with water, apply local cold and go immediately to an emergency service for its evaluation.

  • Brown spider of the corners or violinist spider: They live in caves and between woods and in summer they are especially active. They have long legs and are very fast and although they are not aggressive, they bite if they feel attacked.

It is not a typical spider of Spain, but in recent years it has begun to be seen and recently a neighbor from Madrid gave notice to the police after having seen her in her home. Its sting is very painful, poisonous and serious because its toxins have a necrotic action, so you have to consult a doctor quickly.

  • Tarantula: It is, above all, in dry and warm areas such as fields and gardens. Despite his bad reputation, his bite is less painful than the previous ones and very rarely serious.

There is another type of spider that is the one that usually It is found in houses and whose sting is not serious although it causes pain and a mild local inflammation that tends to disappear in a matter of hours. We can wash the wound with water and apply local cold to reduce inflammation.

Scorpio, scorpion and scolopendras. The most painful bites.

In our country there are several types of scorpions, although the most common are the black scorpion and scorpion, which live in rocky, dry and warm areas.

The scorpion has a tail lifted forward with a nail at the end that is the one that bites and injects the poison. It is sometimes confused with domestic pseudo scorpions, which have clamps but do not glue and are not dangerous.

Scorpions and scorpions do not attack man but they will defend themselves if they feel invaded in their space, something that happens frequently in a fortuitous way if we go to the countryside or the mountain. That is why it is important that children walk through the countryside protected with good shoes and do not lift large stones or logs from the ground, since they may be hidden underneath.

The scolopendras They are flat-bodied, long and very fast animals that inhabit the bark and rocks. They are aggressive and bite if they are taken by hand, a practice that children sometimes tend to do out of curiosity. its bite, consisting of two hemorrhagic punctures, is especially painful.

In case of a scorpion, scorpion or scolopendra sting, you should go to an emergency service immediately, as children are especially vulnerable. The bites of these animals cause great pain, local inflammation, muscle cramps and general malaise and may require pharmacological treatment.

Ticks The silent bites

Ticks are found in vegetation Waiting for a host to hold on to bite the skin and start sucking blood. If they adhere to the skin of the human being, they tend to look for places such as the groin, the armpit, the back of the knee or behind the ears.

Ticks are especially active during the summer and if we have dogs and take frequent walks with them through the field, we must take extreme measures to prevent their spread, since dog ticks could also pass to the human.

Children do not usually notice the bite of the tick because at the moment there is no pain except a slight redness in the affected area. But nevertheless, the symptoms will appear gradually in the form of muscle aches, headaches and even anemia, hence the importance of locating and releasing it as soon as possible.

If we locate a tick, we must not try to detach it by pulling it, since its jaws could remain inside the skin and tear off only the body, which would cause an infection. Nor do we have to press it or touch it with the hand. We will try to detach it by pulling it with a slow, smooth and steady movement.

Often there are remedies on the Internet consisting of drowning the tick so that it ends up detaching itself, but these remedies go through the use of certain products that can damage the child's skin so, if we do not manage to release it or we are not sure how To do it well, it is best to go to a health center to have it removed and apply the necessary care.

Marine animal bites. The typical summer bites.

If there is a sting that is associated with summer it is undoubtedly that of marine animals such as jellyfish, sea spiders or sea urchins.

  • Measures: the jellyfish of our coasts are a frequent visitor summer after summer and although its bite is annoying, not serious. Being transparent it is very difficult to see them and as soon as our body comes into contact with its tentacles the reaction occurs.

It is important not to touch the affected area, wash it with salt water, apply non-direct local cold and go to a Red Cross post to treat the bite with medication if necessary. And if we see a dead jellyfish, we must warn children not to touch it because their tentacles continue to be very irritating.

  • Spider fish: they are the most common poisonous fish of our coasts. They live buried under the sand so it's relatively easy to step on them and that this causes us reaction. Its sting is very painful and it is best to wash it with water, submerge the affected area in very hot water and go to a health center.

  • Sea urchins: sea urchins stick their spikes into the skin causing pain and local reaction. They should be removed as soon as possible and, according to the "Basic Maritime Health Guide of the Ministry of Employment and Social Security, it is appropriate to apply compresses soaked in vinegar.

The Marine animal bites are hard to avoid, although there are some creams with repellent effect on the market. The most convenient thing is to bathe always attending to the state of the sea and the flags, and look for a beach area with a nearby post of the Red Cross, in case an incident arises to be treated immediately.

  • Photos iStock, Pixabay

  • In Babies and More Insect Stings in babies and children, what to do and how to prevent them? , Mosquito bites, how to protect children, Jellyfish bites in children: how to prevent them and what to do ?, Children and pets on vacation together

Video: Taking the Sting out of Bug Bites (June 2024).