Five things you can do to help when you visit a recent mother

The first days back home with the baby can be complicated. Between attending to that new person, adapting to the change of routine and schedules, and also continuing with most of our usual activities, those first weeks after the birth of the baby can become chaotic and eternal, especially for the new mother.

So if you are looking for the way to how to help a recent mother when you visit her at home, we share some things you can do for her.

Regardless of whether you are your partner, your mother, your sister, your friend or someone close to the new mother, there are different things you can do for her. Whether you visit or live with her, the first days are the heaviest and most confusing in this beautiful and unpredictable adventure called motherhood.

There may be some things you can't do for her, such as breastfeeding, but there are certainly other activities you can support her with. We share some ideas.

Make him food

If there is something we often leave for later when we are moms, it is eating. Between the unveiled ones, attending to the baby and looking for every precious moment to rest, there is no time left to think about what to cook. So a good detail (and a less worry for her) is to prepare and bring her food.

It can be a dish of your favorite food, or it can be a recipe that you can make in large portions that you can freeze individually, so that you have food ready for several days.

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Help her tidy up and clean the house

At home is where we can see the reflection of how chaotic those first weeks can be with the baby at home. So remove one more from that long list of earrings and help the new mom to be in a clean and tidy environment.

From simple tasks such as taking out the garbage or sorting the papers, to tasks that take a little more time such as sweeping or washing and folding clothes, surely she will thank you very much more than if you would take a gift to her or the baby (which they are also very much appreciated).

Take care of the baby so he has time for her

I remember that those first days, for which I had less time or energy was to bathe. I was so exhausted, I preferred to take those valuable free minutes while my daughter took a nap to sleep.

So when you visit her, offer to take care of the baby so she can take a bath, take a nap or if she wants to do something to pamper herself, such as painting her nails or putting on a mask. Mom also deserves a little pampering and will help her lift her spirits..

Keep him company

While there will be days when we prefer to be alone and quiet without visitors, being locked up all day can be lonely even if you are with the baby. You can visit or accompany her and simply let her know that you are there for her and for what she needs.

No recent mother should spend much time alone or feel alone, because in those early days hormones make us live a roller coaster of emotions and it is best to be accompanied.

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Listen to her, support her and don't judge her

This is one of the most important points, which goes hand in hand with keeping you company. No one is born knowing how to be a mother and the first weeks (or years!) With a child can be very confusing. It is common to feel that we are not doing things well or having to win from crying because we feel exhausted.

In addition to accompanying her, let her know that you are there to listen and support her, and that she can tell you with total freedom and without fear of being judged, all those fears and concerns she has about her new role as a mother.

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In Babies and more | Why no recent mother should spend a lot of time alone (or feel lonely)