Teeth without cavities

Undesirable caries can appear in the mouths of our little ones at any time. Good brushing behavior and not abuse candy They are the keys to avoid these uninvited guests.

They occur when bacteria enter the bale of the teeth and convert the sugars into acids that attack the enamel. It is an infectious disease that attacks baby teeth like adults. It appears for various reasons, some that we cannot correct, such as the quality and shape of the teeth and others that we can control such as diet, oral hygiene or time.

The specialists advise the cleaning of the teeth as soon as they leave. At the beginning with a moistened gauze and from the year on, when the dentition begins to complete, offer the child a brush to familiarize themselves. It has to be the right size for your age, with soft bristles and rounded tips.

Children imitate everything parents do. Therefore, let me see you often brushing your teeth and try to turn it into a game. Cleaning in front of the mirror will be fun. If they see you do it, they will soon get used to the routine. They should brush at least twice a day, once in the morning and once at night, before bedtime; although the ideal is after each meal. Up to three years you will have to help him clean himself well; put special emphasis on the molars, where food debris accumulates.

At first the really important thing is brushing. The toothpaste can be used later when they are not at risk of swallowing. Today there are fluoridated pastries of various flavors, especially for children.

Also remember that it is very important that you do not eat sugary foods between meals, especially before going to sleep. Try not to eat too many soft candies and drink enough water after each meal.

Video: Childrens Cavities. How to Keep Your Kids Teeth Healthy (July 2024).