When does a mom blogger write?

With permission from the dictionary, and as it sounds better than "blog writer," I will refer to this task of writing on blogs as blog and to those of us who do it as bloggers Y bloggers. When anyone decides to write in this cyber world, they will have to organize according to their needs, but, When does a blogger mom write?

There will be full-time bloggers, more professionals or amateurs, but we must always structure our thoughts, our routine and find time to sit in front of the computer to shape them.

When a mother blogger plans to continue writing on the Internet after having children, she has to double and organize according to her needs. Continue working outside the home or not, babies at home or in daycare, fixed or flexible hours ...

Surely there are so many ways to organize like moms and dads bloggers, that's why I explain when does this blogger mom write that speaks to you, that with two babies at home he has had to give up his dreams (the physicists, not the metaphysicians) and change, at the moment, the work in the classrooms for a closer and more homemade work.

This has meant the great advantage (and the reason for the conversion) that I can be with my daughters without having to go to work every morning at 7:30 or relegate their care to others.

I have said to go to work, which does not mean that I do not "stay to work" at that time. Because, if I have to summarize when a blogger mom writes, I have to say that I take the opportunity to write in blogs when my daughters sleep.

As they are quite sleepy, it is in the morning before they wake up and at the time of the nap (which also usually extend about two hours) when I take the opportunity to dedicate myself to this. At night some days, and at times, among my favorite series or movies, if I don't fall asleep before on the couch, too.

In addition, it would be unfair if I do not say that my husband also takes care of the girls sometime so that I can dedicate myself to blogging if I am late, although I recognize that I also take advantage of other needs other than the computer when that case occurs.

So what I have done fundamentally has been “scratching” hours to my dream and especially to the sacred naps that I have enjoyed since I was little and that constituted one of my daily pleasures. I don't say sometimes I don't feel tired that doesn't leave me blog or do not make me enjoy it, then the time has come to disconnect and not become heroin.

Inspiration can wait

Although in the end the inspiration usually returns. When you are inspired, now you can not do as before and spend three hours in a row writing and giving wings to your creativity, regardless of whether you wake up at 10 in the morning (putting on weekends) or at six after a great nap.

Now there are other priorities that force you to interrupt or postpone your writing as many times as you need, to lose the thread, your ideas disappear. But also that new ideas come to you and that you learn to maximize your efforts and work in front of the computer.

When people ask me how I keep writing at this rate, I usually answer two things: because I need it, since I don't have another source of income, and because now I have lengthened my day by subtracting hours of sleep and rest, reading or television.

I don't think it's any heroism, as the image that leads these lines might indicate: it's simply about reorganizing, and giving up certain pleasures because you think it's well worth it. First, because I am with my daughters.

In addition, for me there is another premise that I mentioned in passing, and that also makes it worthwhile, and that is that, as a rule, writing gives me a pleasant personal satisfaction, so the collateral “losses” I carry the best that I can.

Probably, when I return to work away from home, this pace cannot be sustained, but I won't need it that much either. Then I will miss other things in this life of full time blogger mom.

Photos | Mike Licht, NotionsCapital.com and kpwerker on Flickr
In Babies and more | Request to implement the 30-hour day, Sleep while you can, Make the decision to temporarily stop working