When the baby rejects the breast (VII)

We saw in the previous topic the most appropriate supplementation methods to supplement breastfeeding a newborn baby who, or rejects the breast, or fails to feed properly by having few forces or an incorrect grip. Today I will talk about my personal experience in the supplementation of a newborn to achieve exclusive breastfeeding and other useful methods for the youngest or for children who need a larger breast milk contribution than, for various possible reasons, they achieve for their own suction.

My personal experience with supplementation

I remember that my son, that He was born underweight and ahead of time He could barely breastfeed on his own. The nipple practically did not fit in his mouth, not the halo, but the same external part of the nipple. That, added to the fact that he was weak and tired immediately falling asleep, and that he had been given bottles in newborns, greatly complicated the onset of breastfeeding. In fact, he left the hospital without being able to say that breast directly from the breast, the milk was given in a bottle and was either extracted or artificial. Today I know that having used a bottle made things get even more complicated.

In our case, supplementation was indispensable, even possibly hypercaloric milk for premature infants was, although I don't know for sure since I no longer trust the nursing advice they gave me in the hospital, because the experience has made me discover that they were quite wrong.

I had a strong rise in milk, my chest very hard, but no one advised me how to lower the pressure so that I could grip more easily. Even the use of the breast pump was somewhat circumstantial, thanks to a nurse of the night, the only one who took my despair seriously.

I kept pumping milk at home and above all, instinctively, because nobody told me, doing babysitting, skin to skin naked, letting him access the chest, although with little success initially. Little by little, after a month, the baby began to hold his chest longer and then, not before, I could see that he was sucking something, although he was still hungry when he got tired. I continued to pump breast milk, more and more, maintaining production. After two months of life I had managed to remove all the bottles, because in his case he did not reject the breast but was tired and did not breastfeed effectively, and I could continue with exclusive and direct breastfeeding.

Today I can say that surely the relactation It would have been faster with advice and above all, using a syringe in the first few days, instead of giving the bottle supplement. It is much more effective in maintaining a single form of suction in the baby, that of the breast.


It is a very simple device. A glass in which we will put artificial or breast milk extracted and from which a thin flexible tube hangs. Milk flows from the glass through the tube to the baby's mouth, while he sucks directly from the breast. In this way we increase the flow of milk avoiding nipple confusion and maintaining breast stimulation, which is the best way to maintain production.

This supplementary It is convenient, especially, in cases where the baby is properly attached to the breast and breast, but needs a higher milk flow than the one that gets alone.

It is indicated especially for adoptive mothers who want to breastfeed but also in cases of relactation. This device encourages breastfeeding by maintaining the physiological mechanism of breastfeeding.

The baby should be held on the lap by sitting it built or semi-built. The cup rests lightly on the baby's lower lip and the edge of the glass touches the outside of the baby's upper lip.

Supplementation with glass

Usually a special glass It ends in an elongated shape gently, so that it is easier to insert it into the baby's mouth. With this method it is achieved that the child drinks milk without using a bottle, thus avoiding to be confused with the form of suction. The learning glasses for this first stage are not worth it.

The glass is tilted so that the liquid touches the lips, holding it and letting the baby drink the milk, avoiding pouring it directly into his mouth. You have to be aware when the baby closes the mouth, a sign that he does not want more milk, to remove the glass. Those of less weight will almost only use their tongue and the older ones will suck, although it is possible that they pour some of the milk through the corners of their mouths.

We should not worry if you take little in one shot, as you will ask for the next one before or take more, but, under medical supervision, if we will have to calculate the volume of supplement that you ingest.

Supplement letting milk drip

This method consists of let the milk drip down the chest, to the nipple, with a dropper or with a small cup, while the child starts to breastfeed, and although it is a method that does not have such a good effect if the grip is correct if it can be more useful if the child does not close his mouth completely . We can try this formula if the baby is held incorrectly or is reluctant to breastfeed, because the smell and taste of spilled milk will make you want to do it.


Rejection of the chest of a newborn It can be a serious problem for the beginning of breastfeeding, but with perseverance and adequate methods of supplementation we can ensure your diet without ruling out a correct relationship.