When can parents help develop children's language?

We recently talked about how to help stimulate the language of our children, and now we are going to see when can parents help develop children's language.

Without realizing it, we are helping to stimulate our children's verbal language almost at all times. During everyday activities, such as dressing, bathing, eating or, as in the photo, changing a diaper, we are promoting the learning and development of words and phrases.

Whenever we are facing situations in which we are doing or looking at things together (during the meal, taking a walk ...), we should talk to him about what he shows interest or is looking at, about what he is doing, or about what he teaches us or comment. We must refer to events referred to "here and now."

In addition, it is very important take advantage of the child's play moments. When a child plays alone, language does not play with him, and it is not a good time to develop it.

As you see, any time and any situation is ideal for parents to help develop the language of our children. So the excuse of "I don't have time" or "my son develops alone is no longer worth it; he will learn to speak anyway."