"Dietary reference intakes (IDR) for the Spanish population"

A few weeks ago we were talking about the different dietary reference intakes in the world, that is, the nutritional recommendations, especially with regard to pregnancy and lactation.

We have met the book we are talking about today, "Dietary Reference Intakes (IDR) for the Spanish population", published in 2010, of the Spanish Federation of Nutrition, Food and Dietetic Societies (FESNAD), which establishes strictly Spanish IDRs, after studies conducted in the Spanish population.

The authors and reviewers are experts in nutrition, members of FESNAD: Marta Cuervo (with whom we will soon offer an interview), Itziar Abete, Eduard Baladia, Marisol Corbalán, María Manera, Julio Basulto and J. Alfredo Martínez.

The publication of this book is the fulfillment of the first phase to start an unpublished project to date in Spain whose final objectives are obtaining reference values ​​derived from properly Spanish studies. This is presented on the back cover:

This book provides values ​​of Dietary Reference Intakes (IDR) for the Spanish population, being the conscious authors, given the advances in personalized nutrition in which in addition to age, individual variations, pathophysiological situation, inheritance are considered genetics, etc., this contribution is subject to future reviews.

The work is divided into the following sections:

  • Presentation
  • Nutrition Basics
  • Dietary reference intakes (IDR): concepts and historical evolution
  • Comparison of dietary reference intakes between countries
  • Comparison of the methodology followed in some countries for the establishment of IDRs
  • Proposal of dietary reference intakes for the Spanish population

From this link we can consult the table of nutrients proposed in the last chapter. We don't stop at recommendations regarding pregnancy and lactation, which we summarize below (the first value corresponds to pregnancy and the second to breastfeeding).

Vitamin B6 (1.5 mg and 1.6 mg); Folic acid (500 mcg and 400 mcg); Vitamin B12 (2.2 mcg and 2.6 mcg); Vitamin C (80 mg and 100 mg); Vitamin A (700 mcg and 950 mcg); Calcium (1000 mg and 1200 mg); Magnesium (360 mg and 360 mg); Iron (25 mg and 15 mg); Iodine (175 mcg and 200 mcg).

The book "Dietary Reference Intakes (IDR) for the Spanish population" It is published by Ediciones Universidad de Navarra, S.A. (EUNSA). An interesting work for the specialized reader, but also for all those concerned with nutrition in the different vital stages.

Official Site | EUNSA More information | Instituto Tomás Pascual (Presentation), El servier En Bebés and more | Feeding during breastfeeding, Nourish the baby's brain, Nutrition recommendations during pregnancy, Changes are proposed for the food pyramid, Why unify nutrition recommendations for childhood, pregnancy or lactation