Mother's Day: 11 gifts for mom that are not bought with money and you will love it

Mother's Day is approaching and besides being one of the many occasions in which we can recognize the work and love they give each day, it is a special day in which we can give them something that shows how much we love them.

But although it is always nice to receive gifts or new things, the truth is that it is not necessary to buy something expensive to tell mom how much you love her. Therefore, we share you 11 gifts for mom that are not bought with money and will love it.

Let her sleep

After having children, one of the things that is most valued and strange, is to sleep a whole night and without having any worries in the world. Sure, mothers will always have that alert instinct activated even while they sleep, but be able to have a long and well deserved rest, without having to get up early or get out of bed early, it is always something that is appreciated.

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Bring breakfast to bed

In addition to allowing mom to continue resting, a nice way to extend that gift of letting her relax in the morning, Dad and children can prepare a delicious breakfast and take him to bed.

A home-made meal for children

But if they want to let her rest a little more or prefer to do something special a little later, children (with the help of dad if they are still small) can prepare a homemade meal, either your favorite dish or something new to surprise her.

A family walk

An activity that can be enjoyed a lot and that does not require much investment, is to perform a family walk away from home, either visiting a nearby town, quietly touring the city, or organizing a small picnic in the park.

A handmade letter

This is a simple gift, but certainly very significant. If children already know how to write, they themselves can write and decorate a letter for mom. But if not, Dad can ask what they want to say to Mom and "sign" by painting their hands to leave their mark at the end of the letter.

In Babies and more Mother's Day 2018: 11 significant gifts for mom that don't cost money

A special dinner

Another time when they can show off their culinary skills and surprise mom, is making a very special dinner at home. Prepare the table with beautiful decorations that you already have, assign a special place for her and spoil her while having a family dinner.

An afternoon of family games

Staying to celebrate mom at home can be something quiet, or perhaps, something exciting and fun. And one way to do the latter is with an afternoon or game night, an activity that will never go out of style and with which you can enjoy a lot. Of course, dad and children should prepare everything, so that mom only gets to have fun with them.

An afternoon of cinema

An activity that most families like, is to organize an afternoon of movies or movies at home. Choose a movie that everyone can like (or mom's favorite!), Prepare popcorn or a delicious and healthy snack, get comfortable and enjoy a quiet family evening.

A home spa

Who doesn't like to pamper a spa? They can do something similar at home, either Manicure, prepare a mask or massage your feet or back, which may not be the same as going to a professional place, but it will certainly be done with love.

A couple of hours just for her

Honestly, although they love their family and love being with them, mothers also need time alone. Give her an afternoon alone so she can do what she prefers, without being worried about having to attend pending or do things at home.

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Time together

And because finally we are mothers and we cannot spend much time without ours, give it one of the best gifts we can give to those we love: time together. So eliminate all of your agenda one day, leave all earrings aside and focus on enjoying that day together without haste or distractions.

Because in the end, although the surprise of a super-planned activity or the gifts they can give you is always welcome, in reality the most valuable and a great gift for mom, are the moments they share happily in family, while creating new memories.

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