The brochure on sex for preteens of the Junta de Andalucía

More to be published brochures about sex for preteensAlso, one of the things that surprise me is that paper is used to reach children and that drawings that any child can see on television, on the Internet, in their environment or with their parents are reproduced. That they continue to publish brochures to be distributed in schools or centers where children go seems to me to be a complete waste of time and money. If we want to teach children sexuality we have to start changing the format and adapting it to the current times.

The guide or booklet is edited by the health council of the Junta de Andalucía and has a design created by tangle study. It is distributed among ESO students and messages like this are said that "The first sexual relationship with penetration is not at all related to age". And is that, besides talking about the continent you can talk about the content. Again we find messages that we thought were surpassed in the 80s and that put the emphasis on how to do sex indicating, for example, that "a good posture for the first penetration is for the boy to lie down and for the girl you feel about him. "

In the messages included in the guide there are no references to the education we provide or can provide parents to the children throughout their growth. It is very significant that the ability to educate and train children in a paper guide is delegated! and the ability of parents to explain, transmit, teach and comment on our experiences and knowledge about sexuality is overlooked.

So the guide seems like a boring resource, without any interest, that ignores parents, that treats children as merchandise to which you have to stack and dispose in compartments and of course the last place you would go to inform children about sex. In any case, and as you can see in the image, maybe someone wants to know the differences between homosexuality, heterosexuality and bisexuality and especially know that these (?) Sexual preferences can change throughout life.