If you are pregnant, check your oral health for free this June

If you have not yet had a dental checkup during pregnancy, this is a good opportunity. The General Council of Dental Associations of Spain and the Spanish Dental Foundation have organized the First Oral Health and Pregnancy Campaign through which dentists across the country will perform free oral exams for pregnant women during this month of June.

This is an initiative that has the collaboration of the General Council of Pharmaceutical Colleges of Spain, the Federation of Midwifery Associations of Spain, the Spanish Association of Midwives, the Spanish Society of Gynecology and Obstetrics, as well as the Spanish Association of Specialists in Gynecology and Obstetrics.

From June 1 to June 30, all participating clinics will perform free oral exams for pregnant women who wish. To do this, it will only be necessary to go to the website www.dentistas.org/embarazo, locate the nearest dental clinic, and call by phone to request an appointment.

From the same website we have access to an excellent guide that we talked about a while ago, "Oral health and pregnancy", where they remind us of the basic guidelines to follow so as not to take risks as far as dental health is concerned.

This type of campaign is important to prevent complications in the oral health of pregnant women, since if an adequate follow-up is not carried out, problems or complications may arise. Do not neglect dental hygiene at this stage, as this can have serious consequences.

In these free reviews, which are preferably recommended in the second trimester of pregnancy, patients will undergo a clinical evaluation and will be informed of the risk they have of suffering from oral disease and the most recommended treatment in each case.

And it is that good oral health during pregnancy is not only positive for the mother, it is also positive for the baby, since we will reduce the risk of caries infection. Brushing your teeth after meals, flossing, or later not sucking your baby's pacifier or spoon are measures that can prevent problems.

It is very important to take care of your teeth during pregnancy, so it is an excellent opportunity that I recommend you take advantage of. Remember, if you are pregnant request your free oral review and advice during this month of June. An important appointment on the agenda!

Official Site | Dentists Photo | Conor Lawless on Flickr In Babies and more | Oral problems in pregnancy increase the risk of premature delivery, Bruxism during pregnancy: clenching and grinding your teeth, Pregnant? Take care of your mouth: gum infections double the risk of premature delivery

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