The races for kids that are celebrated by the towns of Spain

We were recently visiting La Granja (Segovia) and although we did not see the races through the beautiful fountains that are prepared three times a year, we could see other careers in which the protagonists were the smallest and in those who demonstrated their strength and conviction to reach the goal.

There were several categories and several distances. Although in the end it was necessary to climb a slope to the goal which made the terrain, in addition to cobblestones, difficult to overcome. I really liked the participants' courage and the good existing organization that included numbers for all the participants, drink at the end of the tour and also the deserved trophy for the winners.

The races, regardless of their age and distance, demand think and reflect on how to raise them. Some are of pure speed, for example, those of the smallest, so there you have to teach them that you have to run and run although you also have to measure the forces because if it doesn't seem that you never reach the goal. Other longer races require knowing and analyzing the rival, for example, in which it was celebrated among teenagers going around the circuit four times, the final winner raised it to go along with his rival at a pace that suited him. However, on the last lap under very strong the slope, still with his partner and climbed at full speed making a strong and sustained sprint finally winning and demonstrating that in addition to good legs should have a good strategy and analyze the rival.

The case of La Granja I'm sure he's not the only one in Spain Neither the races are the only competitions that are driven by the towns among the children. For example, there are also multiple swimming competitions in Spanish municipal swimming pools. It seems to me that it is one of the best ways to encourage children to play sports, to compete and to promote fun on summer days, while also making public infrastructure profitable.

Video: kids comments on their life in Southern Spain (May 2024).