'Pepe told us': children's story for the children of parents with cancer

If it is difficult for an adult to assume that a loved one suffers from cancer, imagine a young child who is not able to understand that his father or mother suffers from a disease that modifies his or her routine.

To help you understand and assume it, the children's book has been published 'Pepe told us' aimed at children of parents with cancer. The story tells, through the eyes of Pepe, the family cat, the story of two twins, Ana and Pablo, whose mother has been diagnosed and receives chemotherapy treatment.

Talk about different moments in the daily life of the family such as breakfast, the arrival of school or bedtime, occasions when the figure of parents is necessary.

In addition, in the end it includes advice for parents about how and when to communicate the news to their children and a guide on how to talk with them about the different stages of the disease. In these cases it is essential to involve them in the process, not to exclude them by trying to protect them and explain things to them so that they can understand them.

Children's books are a good way to cope with difficult trances such as illness or death of a family member. The stories make them protagonists helping them to assimilate the situation and express their sadness.

A free copy of the book 'Pepe told us' through the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM).