Published the new clinical practice guide on normal delivery care

The Ministry of Health has published this week a new clinical practice guide on normal delivery care which will be distributed in all the hospitals of the state so that they begin to adopt the new recommendations, whose main objective is to respect the physiological processes of childbirth being less interventionist and therefore making it less medicalized.

The guide is intended for both professionals and future mothers, so that they have current information about what is most advisable and so they can be an active part of the time of delivery by also making decisions.

The authors of the guide have explained that it is intended to provide recommendations and data based on the latest scientific evidence to try to modify some practices that were done long ago and now do not have to be necessary or useful. In this regard, they spoke for example of epidural anesthesia, commenting that it should only be administered when the woman so chooses and always after being informed of its consequences (I think this was already done in most hospitals - correct me if I am wrong) or of the episiotomy, which should not be performed routinely, but only when necessary for the correct progression of labor.

In Babies and more We have been talking about these and other recommendations for normal delivery for a long time (quite a bit) and we are glad that time has been putting everything in its place and that hospitals begin (little by little, that palace things are going slowly) to function in a more respectful way for babies and mothers, who deserve to be an active part of the process and who rely on health professionals to help them be.

I want to highlight the statement of one of the guide's authors, Charo Quintana, an obstetrician at the Valdecilla Hospital in Santander, saying the following in the presentation of the guide:

The great change advocated by the guide is to obtain in the hospitals all the privacy and intimacy that can be had at home; that the center of attention is the woman and her family, and that the professionals remain in the background ”.

Now it only remains to say: Amen and wait patiently for professionals to begin to give prominence to mothers and remain waiting just in case, allowing childbirth to "flow" alone.