The origin of violence is in the deprivation of pleasure and attachment

Linking with the interview we have published today to the anthropologist María José Garrido who told us about raising our society's detachment, I invite you to see now this short documentary that supports the statement that the origin of violence is in the deprivation of pleasure and attachment.

In this documentary titled "The origin of violence" We can listen to developmental psychologist James W. Prescott explaining that cultures that offer children physical contact and attachment are cultures in which adults are much less violent.

In reality, Prescott states that cultures provoke aggressive and violent behavior in their individuals through two fundamental mechanisms: deprivation of attachment and contact in childhood and sexual repression In adult life. That is, violence stems from the prohibition of desires and the pleasure of contact.

Prescott, specializing in the search for explanations about violent behaviors, also said that babies need to be cuddled, cradled and rocked, and that the lack of this stimulus even causes problems in brain development, inability to maintain normal social relationships and aggressive reactions

The documentary is, in my opinion, very interesting, both in its proposals and in its conclusions. I am convinced that, although the human being has defense reactions, the origin of violence In societies it is precisely based on the deprivation of physical affection and the blame for pleasure in childhood and also in adult life. What do you think?

Video | YouTube On Babies and more | Even chimpanzees resolve conflicts without violence, Demonstrated: children learn to be violent from adults, Learn to use behaviorism to manipulate children with Dr. Sheldon Cooper