"Pink cows": a method to kill a child's creativity

It seems that kill creativity of children is not a simple task, they are pure magic and imagination. It seems that the goal of education should be to foster creativity and not end it. Well, here is a great example of a method to kill a child's creativity and I invite you to tell me if you think this happens in children's classrooms: "Pink cows".

When I have given high school my students more than being tired of going to school and thinking that everything they were taught was useless and boring, more than not knowing how to learn other than memorizing, they had as a total and absolute problem Lack of creativity.

As if they were afraid to dream, to be original, divergent, to give their opinion, to skip the norms of the expected and even to the schemes of organization of a theme that came in their textbook.

It is usually a very complicated question to overcome, since they have been learning what the book puts for years and even being forced from Primary to write name and date in a certain order and at a certain angle on their sheet. It has been cut off your creativity in the classroom, as yesterday reflected in the review of the parents 'and mothers' blogs.

The explanation I give is that it is not the children's fault. The fault lies with the system, which since they are little ones forces them to follow external norms and adapt themselves so as not to be judged negatively by adults, with methods that seem designed to kill any spark of creativity and end natural self motivation.

The explanation: "There are no pink cows." The passion is dead.